Category Archives: Economics

Analysis: Is America In Another Housing Bubble?

Home prices in the U.S. have climbed at a record pace during the pandemic. The median home price reached over $363,000 in June 2021, a 23.4% increase from 2020. Many of the houses are being sold above their asking price, often entirely in cash with bidding wars becoming the new norm to weed out the competition. So is America currently in another housing bubble and what are the signs that can help investors predict an oncoming crash?

Analysis: Why Uber & Lyft Rides Got So Expensive

According to Rakuten Intelligence, the cost of a ride from a ride-sharing app like Uber or Lyft increased 92% between January of 2018 and July of 2021. Many riders have also noticed increased wait times for rides, and a recent driver shortage is likely to blame. In early July 2021, Uber and Lyft drivers were about 40% below capacity. The companies have taken notice of this driver shortage, and are investing millions worth of bonuses and base rates to convince drivers to return. But will it be enough to get drivers back on the roads?

Political Analysis: China’s Attack On Tech, America Functions, German Voting

A selection of three essential articles read aloud from the latest issue of The Economist. This week: China’s attack on tech, function in Washington (10:09), and our prediction model for Germany’s election (17:15) 

Analysis: Open-Source Intelligence, Stablecoins, Predicting New Viruses

A selection of three essential articles read aloud from the latest issue of The Economist. This week, open-source intelligence comes of age, why regulators should treat stablecoins like banks (10:50) and how predicting viral evolution may let vaccines be prepared in advance (17:00).

Magazine Cover Preview: The Economist – August 7

Analysis: Why Vacation Costs Are Rising (WSJ)

An economy in recovery means finding some rest and relaxation could make a bigger dent in your wallet Experts say price increases reflect an economy on the upswing from pandemic lows, but higher demand has made some vacation essentials harder to come by. We explain why, plus share some strategies to help avoid the sticker shock. Photo illustration: Jacob Reynolds/WSJ

World Affairs: Emerging Markets Growth, Tunisia Turmoil, Ireland Dry Bars

A selection of three essential articles read aloud from the latest issue of The Economist. This week: growth in emerging markets, Tunisia faces a constitutional crisis (9:53) and dry bars of Ireland (16:03)

Front Cover Views: The Economist – July 24, 2021