Tag Archives: Vaccines


Health Videos: ‘How Vaccines Work With The Adaptive Immune System’

As the world waits for a potential COVID-19 vaccine, we delve into how vaccines actually work. What are the different types of vaccine? How do they trigger and train the immune system, and what is the role of herd immunity?

Morning News Podcast: Private Space Exploration, Mail-In Voting, Vaccines

Axios Today reports: Private companies are becoming more and more invested in entering the space race. That means smaller missions – with more freedom in what they can study and explore – could completely change our understanding of the universe.

  • Plus, democrats are changing up their voting strategy.
  • And, Johnson & Johnson has reached another vaccine trial milestone.

Guests: Axios’ Miriam Kramer, Alexi McCammond, and Caitlin Owens

Research:”The Costs Of A Covid-19 Vaccine” (Video)

As government and private money pour into the global race for a Covid-19 vaccine, drugmakers are under great pressure to keep the shot affordable while also keeping investors happy. WSJ explains what this means for the final price tag of the jabs.

Illustration: Crystal Tai

Infographics: “Shingles – Signs & Symptoms” (2020)

A reactivation of the chickenpox virus in the body, causing a painful rash. Anyone who’s had chickenpox may develop shingles. It isn’t known what reactivates the virus.Shingles causes a painful rash that may appear as a stripe of blisters on the trunk of the body. Pain can persist even after the rash is gone (this is called postherpetic neuralgia).Treatments include pain relief and antiviral medications such as acyclovir or valacyclovir. A chickenpox vaccine in childhood or a shingles vaccine as an adult can minimize the risk of developing shingles.

Morning News Podcast: Republican Convention, California Wildfires

Axios’ Jonathan Swan says to expect less of a traditional Republican National Convention and more of a reality TV show, featuring President Trump every night.

  • Plus, how the pandemic makes fighting California wildfires even harder.
  • And, an exclusive Harris poll shows Americans agree on who should get a COVID vaccine first.

Guests: Axios’ Jonathan Swan, Sam Baker and freelance environmental reporter Miranda Green.

Podcast Interviews: Bill Gates On Covid-19, Joe Biden & Funding Vaccines

Our editor-in-chief Zanny Minton Beddoes asks the philanthropist and co-founder of Microsoft what it will take to defeat the coronavirus. They talk about why a Biden presidency might not transform America’s prospects of defeating the pandemic. 

And, as rich countries scramble to be front of the queue for vaccines, should it be down to charitable billionaires to fund vaccinating the world’s poorest?

Infographics: “Inside Race for A Covid-19 Vaccine”

WASHINGTON POST (AUG 16, 2020): Researchers in the United States set an audacious goal in January to develop a coronavirus vaccine within 12 to 18 months. This would be a world record. The mumps vaccine is considered to be the fastest to move, in four years, from scientific concept to approval in 1967. The quest for an HIV vaccine continues, 36 years and counting.

Read more from Washington Post