Category Archives: Politics

Morning News: Engaging The Taliban, China’s Pig Farm Virus, Judy Chicago

In some ways America has more leverage now that its forces have left; we ask how diplomatic and aid efforts should proceed in order to protect ordinary Afghans. 

A global pandemic has distracted from a troubling panzootic: a virus is still ravaging China’s pig farms, and officials’ fixes are not sustainable. And the first retrospective for activist artist Judy Chicago.

Morning News: Ukrainian President Visits U.S., All-English Channel In Taiwan

A look ahead to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the White House. Plus, Taiwan’s launch of an English-language news channel, and the laboratory working to ensure that Swiss trains run without a hitch.

Morning News: Germany’s Unpredictable Election, Untraceable Firearms

The party of Angela Merkel, the outgoing chancellor, is flailing in polls. We ask why the race has been so unpredictable and what outcomes now seem probable.

 In America, obtaining a kit to make an untraceable firearm takes just a few clicks; we examine efforts to close a dangerous legal loophole. And as sensitivities change, so do some bands’ names.

Cover Previews: The New Yorker – September 6, 2021

Morning News: Hurricane Ida Hits Louisiana, Safe Stocks, Remote Work

A.M. Edition for Aug. 30. New Orleans is without electricity after Hurricane Ida slams the region 16 years after Hurricane Katrina. 

WSJ markets reporter Caitlin Ostroff explains why utilities and healthcare are among the S&P 500’s top-performing groups this quarter. Plus, WSJ’s Chip Cutter discusses the concern among bosses as remote work may now last two years.

Reviews: Global Jihad, Fundamental Physics, Britain’s Pheasant Revolt

A selection of three essential articles read aloud from the latest issue of The Economist. This week, after Afghanistan, where next for global jihad?, Why Fundamental physics is humanity’s most extraordinary achievement (9:33) And pheasants revolt in Britain (14:51)

Sunday Morning: News From London & Zurich

Monocle’s Emma Nelson and panellists Simon Brooke and Florian Egli on the weekend’s biggest news stories. Also in the programme: what’s making headlines at Austria’s ‘Profil’ magazine, and a check-in with our Balkans correspondent Guy De Launey.

Political Analysis: Brooks & Capehart On Bombings In Afghanistan, Jan. 6 Riot

New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart join Amna Nawaz to discuss the week in politics, including the bombings in Kabul, Afghanistan that killed U.S. service members, the commission investigating the Jan. 6 riot, and voting rights legislation.