Technology: “PrinCube” Is The World’s Smallest Mobile Color Printer

From a online review:

Princube Printer Smallest Mobile Color PrinterThe PrinCube sits on the throne of being the smallest (and the lightest) handheld color-printer. With a swift motion of your hand, the printer rapidly prints out one line at a time, measuring up to 0.56 inches in thickness. PrinCube’s multi-line feature lets you extend your prints by printing up to nearly 10 feet of content line after line. The wireless printer conveniently pairs with any device like your phone, tablet, or even laptop over a Wi-Fi connection, and each individual ink cartridge can handle approximately 415 A4 pages worth of printing before replacing. The battery on PrinCube’s pretty remarkable too, with the ability to print for 6 continuous hours before needing a recharge via the Type-C port in the PrinCube’s size.

It looks like a block roughly half the size of a spray-paint can. In fact, that’s how you would hold the PrinCube too. Grab it with one hand and run it across any surface and the PrinCube performs a neat, seamless, colored inkjet-print on it. The PrinCube isn’t just small, it’s hand-held, wireless, and incredibly versatile. It can print on materials your desktop printer doesn’t even dream of. Paper, cardboard, wood, metal, cloth, working on flat, textured, and even curved surfaces. You could literally give yourself temporary tattoos too because the PrinCube even prints on the skin (it’s safe, if I may add).

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Top Restaurant Chains: “Emmy Squared Pizza” Is Serving Up Nostalgia In Three Eastern States

From a Restaurant Business online article:

Emmy Squared Pizza and BurgerMost pizza places, Detroit-style places, the dough is sitting in a portioned-out container and it gets pressed into the pan. We let it rise in the pan. I knew from the beginning, that’s what’s going to separate our pizza. … It’s built in that we need larger walk-ins to have those extra pans. It’s just part of the plan.

When we run out of pans, we run out of dough. Some of our smaller restaurants have to have 500 pans because of the volume.

The backstory: Emily Hyland and Matt Hyland, who shared pizza on their first date, are the husband and wife team behind several restaurants in their Pizza Loves Emily group, including the growing concept Emmy Squared. They brought in industry veteran Howard Greenstone as a partner. Greenstone has been CEO and president of Rosa Mexicano and is currently a strategic adviser and partner with the Marcus Samuelsson Group.

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Adventure Films: “Lhotse”, First Ski Descent Of 4th Highest Mountain In The World (The North Face)

Directed by: Dutch Simpson
Director of Photography: Nick Kalisz

Lhotse The North Face Ski Descent Short Film Directed by Dutch Simpson 2019

Edited by: Pat Focke
Executive Producers: The North Face, Rob Wassmer and
Kaki Orr

Lhotse The North Face Ski Descent Short Film Directed by Dutch Simpson 2019

It’s not always what we achieve that defines us, rather it is why we achieve such things that creates clarity in our existence.

In 2018, Hilaree Nelson and Jim Morrison completed the first ski descent of the 27,940-foot Lhotse, the fourth-highest mountain in the world. This is their story.

Lhotse The North Face Ski Descent Short Film Directed by Dutch Simpson 2019
