The Economist Special Report: ‘The Oil Industry’

Special reports: The long goodbye

The Economist SPECIAL REPORTS (March 17, 2024): The latest issue features ‘The long goodbye’ – The next 50 years will be different, argues Vijay Vaitheeswaran in a special report…

For 50 years the story of oil has been one of matching supply with increasing demand

Oil well in the desert

Fly west across the United Arab Emirates from Fujairah, a tanker-filled port on the Gulf of Oman, towards the Persian Gulf and you get a sense of the vulnerability arid lands have to climate change. The farms around Dhaid provide a splash of green, but homegrown food is scarce, homegrown staples next to non-existent. Drinkable water comes mostly from desalination plants. The heat is growing inhumane; outside work is banned during the hottest hours of summer afternoons.

Why oil supply shocks are not like the 1970s any more

The end of oil, then and now

Oil’s endgame will be in the Gulf

Can Big Oil run in reverse?

Sources and acknowledgments

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