Tag Archives: CBS Sunday Morning Videos

Views: North American River Otters In Maine

“Sunday Morning” visits otters on the hunt for fish at a pond in Portland, Maine. Videographer: Mauricio Handler.

 The North American River Otter (Lontra canadensis) is the species of otter found in Maine, and you’ll find lots of them along the entire coast (and probably inland as well). River otters are mostly nocturnal members of the weasel family (Mustelidae) and rather large, growing up to 3.5 feet long and weighing around 30 pounds. They are referred to as “semi-aquatic,” since they spend most of their waking hours in water and come to land when denning, moving from one body of water to another, or marking a territory.

Massachusetts Views: Seals At The Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

“Sunday Morning” leaves you today with seals sunning at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge in Newburyport, Massachusetts (with some snowy owls looking on). Videographer: Michael Clark.

Parker River National Wildlife Refuge is a wildlife sanctuary encompassing the majority of Plum Island in northeastern Essex County, Massachusetts, 5 miles southeast of Newburyport. It was established in 1942 primarily to provide feeding, resting, and nesting habitats for migratory birds.

The harbour seal, also known as the common seal, is a true seal found along temperate and Arctic marine coastlines of the Northern Hemisphere. The most widely distributed species of pinniped, they are found in coastal waters of the northern Atlantic, Pacific Oceans, Baltic and North Seas.

Views: Gannets In Cape Kidnappers, New Zealand

We leave you this Sunday morning at Cape Kidnappers in New Zealand, with gannets, who mate for life. Videographer: Jaime McDonald.

Australasian gannets nest in dense breeding colonies on the New Zealand mainland and coastal rocks and islands, as well as off south-east Australia and Tasmania. Although gannets can be seen occasionally from most places along the coasts of the New Zealand main islands, most gannetries are situated off the North Island. The largest mainland gannetry is at Cape Kidnappers, with around 5,000 breeding pairs. Other mainland breeding sites include Muriwai and Farewell Spit.

Australasian gannets mostly feed on waters over the continental shelf. They prefer flat ground for nesting, rather than cliff ledges. Breeding colonies are mostly situated at sites that are completely or largely surrounded by the sea, i.e. on islands or headlands.

Cape Kidnappers, also known as Te Kauwae-a-Māui and officially known as Cape Kidnappers / Te Kauwae-a-Māui, is a headland at the southeastern extremity of Hawke’s Bay on the east coast of New Zealand’s North Island and sits at the end of an 8 kilometres peninsula which protrudes into the Pacific Ocean.

Village Views: Galliano di Mugello In Tuscany, Italy

The village of Galliano di Mugello, in Tuscany, is a little more tranquil than many Italian towns, because it has no mobile service. But it’s not alone, as Italy ranks near the bottom of the European Commission’s index of digital competitiveness. Correspondent Seth Doane pays a call to a medieval town whose residents face challenges fostered by the “digital divide.”

Nature Views: Pronghorn Antelope In Montana (CBS)

“Sunday Morning” takes us among pronghorn antelope at play near Virginia City in Montana. Videographer: Brad Markel.

The pronghorn is a species of artiodactyl (even-toed, hoofed) mammal indigenous to interior western and central North America. Though not a true antelope, it is known colloquially in North America as the American antelopeprong buckpronghorn antelopeprairie antelope, or simply antelope because it closely resembles the antelopes of the Old World and fills a similar ecological niche due to parallel evolution. It is the only surviving member of the  family Antilocapridae.

Nature: Buffalo National River, Northern Arkansas

Sunday Morning” takes us to the banks of the Buffalo National River in northern Arkansas. Videographer: Scot Miller.

The Buffalo River, located in Northern Arkansas, was the first National River to be designated in the United States. The Buffalo River is 153 miles long. The lower 135 miles flow within the boundaries of an area managed by the National Park Service, where the stream is designated the Buffalo National River.

Profile: Actress Candice Bergen On Turning 75

Born to Hollywood royalty, the actress and model Candice Bergen found her greatest talent in comedy, as the Oscar-nominated star of “Starting Over” and a five-time Emmy-winner for “Murphy Brown.” Candice Bergen talked with “Sunday Morning” anchor Jane Pauley about finding new wellsprings of confidence at age 75, as well as the privilege of being a doting grandmother.

Profile: 73-Year Old Billy Crystal On ‘Getting Older’

Seems that comedian Billy Crystal has always enjoyed playing old, like in 1987’s “The Princess Bride.” Actually getting old? Not so much. But it will be less of a stretch for the now-73-year-old to play an aging comic in the upcoming Broadway musical, “Mr. Saturday Night.” Correspondent Tracy Smith finds out how Crystal stays so youthful.

View: Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, California

“Sunday Morning” takes us to the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest – trees that date back thousands of years – at Inyo National Forest in California’s White Mountains. Videographer: Lee McEachern.