The Economist Magazine – March 30, 2024 Preview

The Economist Magazine (March 21, 2024): The latest issue features

The AI doctor will see you…eventually

A doctor with a computer screen head displaying a loading icon

Artificial intelligence holds huge promise in health care. But it also faces massive barriers

Better diagnoses. Personalised support for patients. Faster drug discovery. Greater efficiency. Artificial intelligence (ai) is generating excitement and hyperbole everywhere, but in the field of health care it has the potential to be transformational. In Europe analysts predict that deploying ai could save hundreds of thousands of lives each year; in America, they say, it could also save money, shaving $200bn-360bn from overall annual medical spending, now $4.5trn a year (or 17% of gdp). From smart stethoscopes and robot surgeons to the analysis of large data sets or the ability to chat to a medical ai with a human face, opportunities abound.

The triple shock facing Europe’s economy

After the energy crisis, Europe faces surging Chinese imports and the threat of Trump tariffs

Russia is gearing up for a big new push along a long front line

Ukraine must prepare

Antarctica needs a lot more attention

Melting ice sheets do more than raise sea levels

Research Preview: Nature Magazine – March 28, 2024

Volume 627 Issue 8005

Nature Magazine – March 27, 2024: The latest issue cover features ‘Qubit Quota’ – Code cuts overhead for quantum error correction by 90%…

How the body’s cholesterol factory avoids producing too much

Scientists identify a molecule that halts cholesterol production in the liver when dietary consumption is high. Research Highlight

A view of wind turbines drives down home values — but only briefly

House prices drop by 1% if wind turbines are close and visible, but they rebound quickly. Research Highlight

A supercollider glimpses a gathering of three particles never seen together before

Data from billions of proton collisions reveal that subatomic particles called W+ and W bosons keep company with a photon .Research Highlight

Squeeze, freeze, bake: how to make 3D-printed wood that mimics the real thing

Scientists turn waste wood into an ‘ink’ that can be printed into a variety of structures.

Previews: Country Life Magazine – March 27, 2024


Country Life Magazine – March 27, 2024: The latest issue features:

A prickly subject

Marianne Taylor examines how we can help to halt the worrying decline of the humble hedgehog, Britain’s favourite mammal

Country Life International

  • John Lewis-Stempel reflects on an old way of life in rural France
  • Russell Higham visits Mozart’s Italian muse
  • Arabella Youens hails Mondrian’s De Stijl movement
  • Tom Parker Bowles celebrates Greek cuisine
  • Holly Kirkwood selects the best Iberian properties for sale
  • Eileen Reid explores love and logic in Paris

Bold and beautiful

Charles Quest-Ritson is wowed by the woodland garden created during the past two decades at Broughton Grange, Oxfordshire

Home is where the art is

Iron-man Sir Antony Gormley is taking over Houghton Hall in Norfolk with 100 life-size figures, as Charlotte Mullins discovers

The Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle’s favourite painting

The Dean of Westminster picks a striking work that is all about looking — and then looking again

A silent witness

In the first of two articles, John Goodall visits Lancing College Chapel, West Sussex, a masterpiece 154 years in the making

The legacy: Roy Plomley

Kate Green tunes in for Roy Plomley’s Desert Island Discs

A real nest egg

John Lewis-Stempel marvels at one of the smallest, yet mightiest miracles in the natural world

Room with a pew

Your seat in church once told a lot about your status in the parish, reveals Andrew Green

Once more into the abyss

It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it: John Lewis-Stempel hauls an errant heifer from a ditch

The Editor’s Easter quiz

Spring has sprung — how many native wildflowers can you name?


Hetty Lintell explores exquisite gilets, bespoke tailoring and sparkling aquamarine jewellery


Giles Kime is armed with a crystal ball for his latest building project

Kitchen garden cook

Melanie Johnson on spinach

Don’t mock them

Plant a Philadelphus, says John Hoyland, and enjoy an explosion of blooms and scent this summer

And much more

Arts/Books: Times Literary Supplement-March 29, 2024


Times Literary Supplement (March 27, 2024): The latest issue features ‘Illustrating Ray Bradbury’ – Michael Caines on a writer who transcended genre; Fifteen French Kings; Spy stories; Neel Mukherjee’s art and artifice; Space colonization and Andrew O’Hagan on the Cally Road….

News: Macron State Visit To Brazil, Robert Kennedy Jr. Names Running Mate

The Globalist (March 27, 2024): We discuss Emmanuel Macron’s three-day state visit to Brazil,

Monocle’s US editor, Christopher Lord, reports from Oakland as Robert F Kennedy Jr announces his presidential running mate and we join Monocle’s Asia editor, James Chambers, from The Chiefs conference in Hong Kong. Plus: Karl Lagerfeld’s last Paris residence sells for double the starting price.

The New York Times — Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Supreme Court Seems Inclined to Reject Bid to Curtail Abortion Pill Access

A majority of the justices questioned whether a group of anti-abortion doctors and organizations trying to sharply limit availability of the medication could show they suffered harm.

Rescue Effort Turns Into Search for Bodies of 6 Workers on the Bridge

Questions swirl over the bridge’s collapse after a massive cargo ship slammed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge moments after losing power early on Tuesday.

Biden’s TikTok Challenge: Reach Gen Z, Without Drawing Its Wrath

For his campaign, navigating the platform has meant encountering over and over some of the thorniest issues plaguing Mr. Biden’s re-election bid.

Judge Imposes Gag Order on Trump in Manhattan Criminal Trial

The order limiting the former president’s speech came after Justice Juan M. Merchan set an April 15 trial date for the case, which involves a sex scandal cover-up.