Tag Archives: Wildlife

Wildlife Views: ‘Giraffe – A Silent Extinction’ (Video)

The giraffe is an icon of Africa, thousands of tourists travel around the globe every year to see them in the wild, yet in the last century giraffes have gone extinct in 7 countries and their numbers continue to fall dramatically. Since the mid-eighties, giraffes have been on a steady decline. Population numbers have dwindled by 40%, leaving less than 70,000 adults in the wild. That is just one giraffe for every five African elephants, yet very few people are aware of their situation. Over the course of a year the film crew travel across the continent to join the fight to save these gentle giants, bringing awareness to their plight and ultimately, helping to prevent its silent extinction.

Safari Views: ‘Lions Of The MalaMala Game Reserve’ In South Africa (Video)

MalaMala Safari Moments: Episode 63. We spend some time with the Torchwood pride who had killed two young buffalo. From MalaMala Game Reserve to wherever you are in the world, we’ll bring you moments from our daily safaris in one of Africa’s most iconic private game reserves. This is essentially a continuation of our ‘Rangers in Isolation’ series which was filmed during the national Lockdown.

Nature: ‘Snowy Owls’ On The Beach In Plum Island, Massachusetts (Video)

“Sunday Morning” pays a visit to some snowy owls on Plum Island, Massachusetts. Videographer: Michael Clark.

Snowy owls arriving in Massachusetts tend to seek local habitats that mimic the Arctic tundra where they spend most of their lives. Popular sightings include Westport, New Bedford, Nantucket, Orleans, Duxbury Beach, and of course, Plum Island. A snowy owl was recently spotted in the Middlesex Fells Reservation!

Plum Island is a barrier island located off the northeast coast of Massachusetts, north of Cape Ann, in the United States. It is approximately 11 miles in length. The island is named for the wild beach plum shrubs that grow on its dunes. It is located in parts of four municipalities in Essex County. 

Wildlife: The Hutia & Red Crabs Of Cuba (BBC Video)

Away from the burning glare of the Caribbean sun live some unusual animals. Cuba is home to the Hutia, a small dog sized rodent as well as plenty of marauding crabs!

Hutias are moderately large cavy-like rodents of the family Capromyidae that inhabit the Caribbean Islands. Twenty species of hutia have been identified but at least a third are extinct. 

Gecarcinus ruricola is a species of terrestrial crab. It is the most terrestrial of the Caribbean land crabs, and is found from western Cuba across the Antilles as far east as Barbados. Common names for G. ruricola include the purple land crab, black land crabred land crab, and zombie crab.

Ocean Wildlife: A Manatee Migrates To Warm Water

Despite weighing upward of 1200 pounds, manatee bodies have relatively little fat to protect them from the cold. Anything below 68 degrees is a death sentence. The solution: an annual inland migration, to the warm waters of Florida’s natural springs at Silver Springs State Park.

Manatees are large, fully aquatic, mostly herbivorous marine mammals sometimes known as sea cows. There are three accepted living species of Trichechidae, representing three of the four living species in the order Sirenia: the Amazonian manatee, the West Indian manatee, and the West African manatee.

Wildlife: The ‘Gray Wolves’ Of Yellowstone (Video)

Watch the majestic wolves of Yellowstone National Park. Videographer: Justin Grubb.

Gray wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park in 1995, resulting in a trophic cascade through the entire ecosystem. After the wolves were driven extinct in the region nearly 100 years ago, scientists began to fully understand their role in the food web as a keystone species.