Tag Archives: Animals

Front Covers: Scientific American – August 2021

Wildlife: Golden Snub-Nosed Monkeys Of China

Meet China’s most affectionate and vocal monkeys in the remote, seasonal forests of Central China. Follow the journey of a baby Golden snub-nosed monkey during the first year of her life as she learns all about her forest home and battles the elements to survive.

The golden snub-nosed monkey is an Old World monkey in the subfamily Colobinae. It is endemic to a small area in temperate, mountainous forests of central and Southwest China. They inhabit these mountainous forests of Southwestern China at elevations of 1,500–3,400 m above sea level.

Views: The Beautiful And Bizarre ‘Eyes” Of Animals

“The cornea, which in fish is simply a transparent protective cover for the eye, became an image-forming structure in its own right,” wrote the late Michael Land, a biologist at the University of Sussex in England, in a 2005 study in the journal Current Biology, “because it now had air on one side and water on the other.”

Some organisms have kept basic structures—flatworms and mollusks still have their simple pit eyes—while others sprouted mirrored components, elaborate pupil dynamics and arrangements that let their owner see above and below a waterline simultaneously. Even in animals that rely primarily on sensations besides sight, incredible eye features persist.

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Animals & Wildlife: ‘The Evolution Of Bears’

Bears are able to live and sometimes thrive from the North Pole to the tropical rainforests around the equator and although they are largely confined to the forests nowadays, in the not too distant past they dominated grassy plains as well. And in overcoming the challenges of each new habitat they migrated into presented, they have evolved to drastically change diets. Bears evolved from small carnivorous animals and yet have become omnivorous, insect eaters, or have a diet occupied entirely of plant foods. So how have bears been able to evolve to eat almost any food in a very small amount of time.

Safari Views: ‘Lions Of The MalaMala Game Reserve’ In South Africa (Video)

MalaMala Safari Moments: Episode 63. We spend some time with the Torchwood pride who had killed two young buffalo. From MalaMala Game Reserve to wherever you are in the world, we’ll bring you moments from our daily safaris in one of Africa’s most iconic private game reserves. This is essentially a continuation of our ‘Rangers in Isolation’ series which was filmed during the national Lockdown.

Wildlife: The ‘Gray Wolves’ Of Yellowstone (Video)

Watch the majestic wolves of Yellowstone National Park. Videographer: Justin Grubb.

Gray wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park in 1995, resulting in a trophic cascade through the entire ecosystem. After the wolves were driven extinct in the region nearly 100 years ago, scientists began to fully understand their role in the food web as a keystone species.