Tag Archives: Israel

Politics: Foreign Affairs Magazine – July/Aug 2024

July/August 2024

Foreign Affairs (June 25, 2024): The latest issue features ‘Does America Need a New Foreign Policy?…

A Foreign Policy for the World as It Is

Biden and the Search for a New American Strategy

“America is back.” In the early days of his presidency, Joe Biden repeated those words as a starting point for his foreign policy. The phrase offered a bumper-sticker slogan to pivot away from Donald Trump’s chaotic leadership. It also suggested that the United States could reclaim its self-conception as a virtuous hegemon, that it could make the rules-based international order great again. Yet even though a return to competent normalcy was in order, the Biden administration’s mindset of restoration has occasionally struggled against the currents of our disordered times. An updated conception of U.S. leadership—one tailored

The Return of Peace Through Strength

Making the Case for Trump’s Foreign Policy

Si vis pacem, para bellum is a Latin phrase that emerged in the fourth century that means “If you want peace, prepare for war.” The concept’s origin dates back even further, to the second-century Roman emperor Hadrian, to whom is attributed the axiom, “Peace through strength—or, failing that, peace through threat.”

America Is Losing the Arab World

And China Is Reaping the Benefits

News: Javier Milei Visits Europe, Criminal Charges For Boeing Safety Issues

The Globalist Podcast (June 25, 2024): As Javier Milei’s Europe visit wraps up, Oscar Guardiola-Rivera assesses the international reaction.

Plus: why US prosecutors are recommending that Boeing should face criminal charges and we reveal which city has won the bronze medal in Monocle’s Quality of Life Survey.

The New York Times — Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Abortion Debate Shifts as Election Nears: ‘Now It’s About Pregnancy’

Pilgrim Deaths in Mecca Put Spotlight on Underbelly of Hajj Industry

More than 1,300 people died, and a Saudi official said most of them were not registered for the pilgrimage. That left them with little protection from the heat.

Washington Post Publisher Says He Aided Hack Inquiry. Scotland Yard Had Doubts.

Will Lewis gave a “green light” to delete emails during a major journalism scandal engulfing Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp.

Is Delaying Menopause the Key to Longevity?

Scientists are studying how to keep the ovaries working longer — and potentially, prevent age-related diseases in the process.

The New York Times — Monday, June 24, 2024


How Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta Failed Children on Safety, States Say

The C.E.O. and his team drove Meta’s efforts to capture young users and misled the public about the risks, lawsuits by state attorneys general say.

The Insiders: The 3 Men at the Core of Biden’s Brain Trust

President Biden has a diverse group of advisers, but few have the influence of three men in his inner circle during his final campaign.

Blaming Hamas for Gazans’ Suffering, Many Israelis Feel Little Sympathy

Michael Flynn Has Turned His Trump-World Celebrity Into a Family Business

The former national security adviser took over a nonprofit group. Soon, it was paying five of his relatives and trafficking in conspiracy theories.

Opinion & Politics: Reason Magazine – August 2024


REASON MAGAZINE (June 22, 2024)The latest issue features The Debt Lies We Tell Ourselves….

The Debt Lies We Tell Ourselves

Both parties—and the voters—are to blame for the national debt fiasco.

Child Welfare Systems Are Trapping Innocent Families

CPS1 | Photo: Courtesy of Tony Schulz

Georgia parents were accused of child abuse after they took their daughter to the doctor. Does the state’s story add up?


Congress ‘Can Regulate Virtually Anything’

DRUGS | Illustration: Joanna Andreasson

How legislators learned to stop worrying about the constitutionality of federal drug and gun laws by abusing the Commerce Clause


The Afghan Allies Left Behind in the Graveyard of Empires

U.S. soldiers speak with Afghan locals | Photo: An Afghan interpreter translates a conversation between an American colonel and a local in Ghazni, Afghanistan; Dibyangshu Sarkar/AFP/Getty

Thousands of people who helped the U.S. in Afghanistan are still looking for an escape.


Saturday Morning: News And Stories From London

Monocle on Saturday (June 22, 2024): Monocle brings Switzerland to Midori House. Alex Herrmann, UK & Ireland Director of Switzerland Tourism, joins Georgina Godwin to tell us all about the different regions and Swiss delicacies at Monocle’s Swiss Summer Market.

Plus: Georgina and political journalist Terry Stiastny flick through the global papers and Monocle’s Helsinki correspondent, Petri Burtsoff, explains how the wider Nordic region is celebrating midsummer this weekend.

The New York Times — Saturday, June 22, 2024


What Ukraine Has Lost

The Times measured every town, street and building struck since Russia’s invasion, for the first comprehensive view of where people cannot go home.

Supreme Court Upholds Law Disarming Domestic Abusers

The decision amounted to a retreat from what had been an unbroken series of major decisions expanding gun rights that started in 2008.

Israeli Official Describes Secret Government Bid to Cement Control of West Bank

Israeli judges have long ruled that Israel’s control of the territory is a temporary military occupation and complies with international law. A powerful minister’s recent speech, caught on tape, suggested the government is trying to change that.

Editor Tapped to Lead Washington Post Won’t Take the Job

Robert Winnett will stay at The Daily Telegraph, after reports raised questions about his ties to unethical news gathering practices.

News: Affects Of Putin’s Asia Trip On Ukraine War, Philippines Political Crisis

The Globalist Podcast (June 21, 2024): After Vladimir Putin’s Asia tour comes to an end, we look at the proposed Asia-Pacific “security architecture” and its effect on Ukraine’s war efforts.

Then: we head to the Philippines, where the country’s vice-president, Sara Duterte, has resigned. Plus: we look at a new area of co-operation for the US and China: anti-narcotics. Finally, the latest news from Broadway, as well as a check-in from Paris Men’s Fashion Week.

The New York Times — Friday, June 21, 2024


Netanyahu’s Growing Rift With Israel’s Military Raises Questions About Gaza War’s Future

Their tensions, which have grown quietly for months, reached a new peak this week when the military’s chief spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, made unusually blunt comments.

Judge in Trump Documents Case Rejected Suggestions to Step Aside

Two federal judges in South Florida privately urged Aileen M. Cannon to decline the case when it was assigned to her last year, according to two people briefed on the matter. She chose to keep it.

When the Only Escape From War in Gaza Is to Buy a Way Out

For many Palestinians, securing approval to exit the territory is possible only after raising thousands of dollars to pay middlemen or an Egyptian company.

The Economist Magazine – June 22, 2024 Preview

Dawn of the solar age

The Economist Magazine (June 15, 2024): The latest issue features Dawn of the solar age….

The exponential growth of solar power will change the world

An energy-rich future is within reach

The future of combat

AI will transform the character of warfare

Technology will make war faster and more opaque. It could 

AI and war

The character of warfare is about to be profoundly changed by artificial intelligence

What taxes would Labour raise

Growth alone will not fix Britain’s public finances

Macron’s deepening mess

A snap election in France reveals the flimsiness of his legacy

The champagne boom

Wine collectors are at last taking champagne seriously