Tag Archives: Cultures

Food & Travel: ‘Barbecue Around The World’ (Video)

Barbecue is so much more than just throwing meat on a grill. It is a time for family and friends to come together in celebration. From Turkey’s shish kebabs, which originated from hunted animals skewered on swords, to earth ovens in the South Pacific, which involve cooking food underground, we’ll take a look at how cultures barbecue around the world.

Customs: A Two-Minute History Of ‘Beards’ (Video)

You know how scratchy and gross beards can be? Who would want one, anyway? Take a 2-minute ride in our time machine and jump way, way back, 3000 years ago. We’ll check out what’s up with beards and why men (and women!) might have wanted one.

Arts & Culture: David Hockney’s “Lockdown Sunrise” And Other Masterpiece Dawns (Video)

David Hockney created a glorious depiction of a sunrise on his iPad in April and emailed it from his lockdown in Normandy to the Guardian’s art critic Jonathan Jones. He has made pictures from nature every day through this bitter spring as his artistic stand against despair – and what is more hopeful than the sun coming up? Jones describes how the picture reminded him of all the sunrises shut away inside the National Gallery, in London. From Bellini to Monet, Titian to Turner, a private view of some of the greatest masters’ sunrises