Cinematic Nostalgia: “When Harry Met Sally” Was The First Romantic Comedy For Boomers

From a Vanity Fair article by Sonia Saraiya

“Ephron and Reiner’s love language pushed the envelope in 1989 in a way that seems rather tame now: As I grew up and began to dabble in romantic partnerships myself, When Harry Met Sally… felt like the rare option I wanted to emulate and embody, and I studied it like a textbook. In many ways, it’s a manual for romantic partnership—a funny, entertaining film that’s closely attentive to the nuts and bolts of falling in love.”

When Harry Met Sally Movie 1989

My first memory of When Harry Met Sally… is that I wasn’t allowed to watch it. When I think about the film now, I see it as a romance—an inverted one, where love does not come until 12 years after first sight, but a love story nonetheless. But When Harry Met Sally…’s unwholesome raciness—the faked orgasm, the f-bombs, the woman who meows in the throes of passion—featured prominently in the film’s marketing campaign. So did the film’s central, provocative, deeply heteronormative question: Can men and women ever “just” be friends? And it needed an R rating to answer that question, too! The film glowed with forbidden allure.

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