Tag Archives: Raptors

Nature Views: Ospreys In Delaware Bay, New Jersey

“Sunday Morning” takes us among ospreys feathering their nests at the Delaware Bay estuary, near Morristown, New Jersey. Videographer: Jeff Reisly.

Unique among North American raptors for its diet of live fish and ability to dive into water to catch them, Ospreys are common sights soaring over shorelines, patrolling waterways, and standing on their huge stick nests, white heads gleaming. These large, rangy hawks do well around humans and have rebounded in numbers following the ban on the pesticide DDT. Hunting Ospreys are a picture of concentration, diving with feet outstretched and yellow eyes sighting straight along their talons.

Nature View: Bald Eagles Soar In New York City

Bald eagles were nearly extinct in New York City due to environmental factors such as pollution and pesticides. Michael George spoke to an urban park ranger sergeant who participated in the two-decade effort to bring the birds back to the city.

The bald eagle is a bird of prey found in North America. A sea eagle, it has two known subspecies and forms a species pair with the white-tailed eagle, which occupies the same niche as the bald eagle in the Palearctic. 

Views: Two Andean Condors Released Back Into The Wild In Bolivia

The Andean condor is a South American bird in the New World vulture family Cathartidae and is the only member of the genus Vultur. Found in the Andes mountains and adjacent Pacific coasts of western South America, the Andean condor is the largest flying bird in the world by combined measurement of weight and wingspan. Two Andean condors were released back to the wild in the mountains of Bolivia after they were nursed back to health.

Wildlife Conservation: Saving The “Brahminy Kite” In The Seribu Islands, Indonesia (Video)

Filmed and Produced by: KOEN Cinema Indonesia

On one of the islands in the Seribu Islands, the community tried to rehabilitate Elang Bondol (Brahminy Kites), an exotic bird that was once an icon of the capital city of Jakarta, when everyone has forgotten about them.

A Cinematic Insightful Storyteller. We create cinematic film with Light, Motion, and Action. A video production and cinematic filmmaker based in Surabaya and Yogyakarta. Professional in motion picture and cinematography projects.
