Tag Archives: Diet

Trends In Food: Erewhon Organic Market Keeps Expanding By Keeping Prices (And Quality) High

From an LAMag.com article:

Erewhon Natural Food Stores Products“In the beginning, the company was so in rapture with health and wellness, that they’d get cashews from some exotic place and you’d end up spending 20-some dollars for a bag of nuts,” Widener says. “But I’d still buy a bag because I wanted to learn about it, and I felt better when I ate ‘em.” The supermarket-as-classroom ethos even influences Erewhon’s physical layout: the grocer builds shelves that are too tall so that customers will be forced to ask for assistance, thus building a relationship with salespeople.

Erewhon, a natural foods grocer based in L.A., has inspired cult-like devotion among those who can afford to pay four dollars for an avocado. On Instagram, a torrent of celebrities can be seen pushing bags of Erewhon produce to their Escalades, while beaming earth mother types with names like “healthjunky” cradle the chain’s green beverages. The store has even inspired a line of merch.

To read more click on the following link: https://www.lamag.com/citythinkblog/erewhon-shopping/?utm_campaign=Daily%20Update&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=75852994&_hsenc=p2ANqtz–GmpdOgZ2NYDU32TTOQ6Gqhus0hNfDfpCleCSES-n_3yZKwHpd-fTuBlp9BycKnouKgvoMgzjQ4d0ayP7fP4dN3E7daQ&_hsmi=75852890

Fitness & Nutrition: Yes, Big Wave Surfer Laird Hamilton Is A Boomer, And This Is What He Eats Daily

From OutsideOnline.com article:

Laird Hamilton Liferider - Heart, Body, Soul, and Life Beyond the OceanBreakfast

I wake up early and start my day by turning my coffee into a meal. I’ll pull three or four shots of dark-roast espresso and add one scoop of my custom-blend coconut-milk creamer, one scoop of turmeric creamer, a teaspoon of ghee or raw butter, a half-teaspoon of fair-trade red palm oil, a teaspoon of raw coconut, and a mushroom blend that includes shiitake, maitake, lion’s mane, and cordyceps. I emulsify the combination until it’s smooth and drink it before I head out to my morning surf or training session.


Midday I usually eat enough for two, because I haven’t had solid food since the evening before. I build my lunch around a serving of high-quality animal protein, like sustainable local fish or chicken. I’ll eat it on a bed of lettuce, cabbage, or kale, topped with avocado or crushed macadamia nuts and dressed with olive oil and vinegar. If it’s available, I’ll add raw-milk cheese to the salad. I try to get my carbs mostly from vegetables. When I’m in Hawaii, I’ll indulge in mashed purple sweet potatoes with coconut milk. While traveling, I do my best to enjoy what’s seasonal or indigenous to that particular location.

To read more click on following link: https://www.outsideonline.com/2394872/what-laird-hamilton-eats?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Bodywork-08172019&utm_content=Bodywork-08172019+Version+A+CID_91379d10d7358b59a5cfa9bceefb8c01&utm_source=campaignmonitor%20outsidemagazine&utm_term=Laird%20Hamiltons%20Day%20in%20Food


Diet Studies: “Profound Benefits” Of Fasting For Weight Loss, Longevity And Chronic Disease

From a Wall Street Journal article by Andreas Michalsen:

Fasting article Wall Street Journal by Andreas Michalsen Aug 2019At the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, I’ve employed what’s called intermittent fasting, or time-restricted eating, to help patients with an array of chronic conditions. These include diabetes, high blood pressure, rheumatism and bowel diseases, as well as pain syndromes such as migraines and osteoarthritis.

Fasting is one of the biggest weight-losstrends to arise in recent years. Endorsed by A-list celebrities and the subject of a spate ofbest-selling books, it was the eighth most-Googled diet in America in 2018.

There are different ways to go about it, but Iadvise patients to omit either dinner or breakfast, so that they don’t ingest any foodfor at least 14 hours at a stretch.

Healthy Diets: Adults Need 45 Grams Of Protein Per Day From A Balanced Diet

From a Wall Street Journal article by Heidi Mitchell:

How much protein should you eat each day Wall Street JournalUnlike carbohydrates or fats, proteins are the only nutrients that can be used to build new cells that can form tissue, said Dr. Walter, a registered dietitian. 

“These have to be supplied by food, and the best source of them is what we call a complete protein, which includes meat, chicken, fish, milk or eggs,” she said. A total of eight ounces, or about 45 grams of protein, is all an adult needs each day, she said, and the type of complete protein it comes from doesn’t matter in a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables and grains.

To read more click on the following link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-much-protein-should-you-eat-each-day-11563374327