Previews: The New Yorker Magazine – August 28, 2023

A colorful woman eats watermelon.

The New Yorker – August 28, 2023 issue: This week’s cover features Olimpia Zagnoli’s “Cocomero”, the vibrant throes of summertime.

Elon Musk’s Shadow Rule

Elon Musk holding the earth between his fingers.

How the U.S. government came to rely on the tech billionaire—and is now struggling to rein him in.

By Ronan Farrow

Last October, Colin Kahl, then the Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy at the Pentagon, sat in a hotel in Paris and prepared to make a call to avert disaster in Ukraine. A staffer handed him an iPhone—in part to avoid inviting an onslaught of late-night texts and colorful emojis on Kahl’s own phone. Kahl had returned to his room, with its heavy drapery and distant view of the Eiffel Tower, after a day of meetings with officials from the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. A senior defense official told me that Kahl was surprised by whom he was about to contact: “He was, like, ‘Why am I calling Elon Musk?’ ”

The Mysteries of Pittsburgh

Herzog in an attic with industrial chimneys behind.

I was searching for truth. Instead, I found a family.

By Werner Herzog

By the time I was twenty-one, I had made two short films and was dead set on making a feature. I had gone to a distinguished school in Munich, where I had few friends, and which I hated so passionately that I imagined setting it on fire. There is such a thing as academic intelligence, and I didn’t have it. Intelligence is always a bundle of qualities: logical thought, articulacy, originality, memory, musicality, sensitivity, speed of association, and so on. In my case, the bundle seemed to be differently composed. I remember asking a fellow-student to write a term paper for me, which he did quite easily. In jest, he asked me what I would do for him in return, and I promised that I would make him immortal. His name was Hauke Stroszek. I gave his last name to the main character in my first film, “Signs of Life.” I called another film “Stroszek.”

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