Tag Archives: Opinion Magazines

Opinion & Politics: Reason Magazine – August 2024


REASON MAGAZINE (June 22, 2024)The latest issue features The Debt Lies We Tell Ourselves….

The Debt Lies We Tell Ourselves

Both parties—and the voters—are to blame for the national debt fiasco.

Child Welfare Systems Are Trapping Innocent Families

CPS1 | Photo: Courtesy of Tony Schulz

Georgia parents were accused of child abuse after they took their daughter to the doctor. Does the state’s story add up?


Congress ‘Can Regulate Virtually Anything’

DRUGS | Illustration: Joanna Andreasson

How legislators learned to stop worrying about the constitutionality of federal drug and gun laws by abusing the Commerce Clause


The Afghan Allies Left Behind in the Graveyard of Empires

U.S. soldiers speak with Afghan locals | Photo: An Afghan interpreter translates a conversation between an American colonel and a local in Ghazni, Afghanistan; Dibyangshu Sarkar/AFP/Getty

Thousands of people who helped the U.S. in Afghanistan are still looking for an escape.


Opinion & Politics: Reason Magazine – July 2024

Reason magazine, July 2024 cover image

REASON MAGAZINE (May 23, 2024)The latest issue features ‘It Was A Very Safe City’ – Crime and homelessness in America...

Gimme Shelter

The U.S. confronts a growing homelessness problem. Does Miami have the answer?

What Caused the D.C. Crime Wave?

DC | Photo: Al Drago/The Washington Post/Getty

Government mismanagement, not sentencing reform or sparse social spending, deserves the blame.


American Small Businesses Are Desperate for Foreign Workers

Seasonal businesses can’t get the short-term labor from abroad that they need.


Cutting Off Israel

Ending U.S. aid would give Washington less leverage in the Middle East. That’s why it’s worth doing.


Opinion & Politics: Reason Magazine – June 2024

Reason magazine, June 2024 cover image

REASON MAGAZINE (March 21, 2024)The latest issue features ‘The AI Issue’

In the AI Economy, There Will Be Zero Percent Unemployment

AI developer Andrew Mayne explains why technology could create more jobs and lead to unprecedented economic growth.

The Future of AI Is Helping Us Discover the Past

An AI-generated image using the prompt, “Illustration of AI helping the study of history in the style of Da Vinci." | Illustration: Joanna Andreasson/Midjourney

Historical teaching and research are being revamped by AI.


Will Antitrust Policy Smother the Power of AI?

An AI-generated image using the prompt, “Illustration of antitrust smothering the power of AI." | Illustration: Joanna Andreasson/Midjourney

Left alone, artificial intelligence could actually help small firms compete with tech giants.


Opinion & Politics: Reason Magazine – May 2024


REASON MAGAZINE (March 21, 2024)The latest issue features ‘What If America Runs Out Of Bombs?’ – Due to overzealous interventionism, the U.S. is dispensing munitions faster than they can be replaced…

What if America Runs Out of Bombs?

An illustration of Uncle Sam as a PEZ dispenser, dispensing bombs | Photo: Julian Dufort; Wikimedia

The U.S. is dispensing munitions to Ukraine and Israel faster than they can be replaced.


How Capitalism Beat Communism in Vietnam

Two photos illustrate Vietnam's progress over time | Photo: Hanoi, Vietnam, 1985; Christopher Pillitz/Gettya; Photo: Hanoi, Vietnam, 2020; Manan Vatsyayana/AFP via Getty

It only took a generation to go from ration cards to exporting electronics.


Anti-Chinese Xenophobia Fueled America’s First Drug War

opium | Photo: An opium den in Chinatown, San Francisco, California, in 1898; REASON 31 Strohmeyer & Wyman/Library of Congress

Opium dens in San Francisco were patronized “by the vicious and the depraved,” politicians of the 1800s claimed.


Commentary Magazine – April 2024 Opinion Preview


Commentary Magazine (March 15, 2024) The latest issue features ‘The Elite War On The American Middle Class…And How To End It’; The Big Lies about Israel’s Big Bombs…

The Elite War on the American Middle Class—and How to End It

by Christine Rosen

Being middle class in America used to mean something—something socially transformative, something even revolutionary. The American middle class represented a form of national social order never before seen on this earth—cultural domination not by the very rich and very educated, or the political domination either by tyrants or the mob, but by a mass of people, relatively well-to-do, who felt themselves fortunate in their circumstances. That was what made the American middle class different from the French or English bourgeoisie. Its members believed, and the country believed, that they were the nation’s backbone, its true governing class, and its moral compass.

The Four Questions of 2024

by Matthew Continetti

President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump squared off four years ago and are on track for the first major-party rematch since 1892. Biden and Trump are the oldest presidential candidates in history, and each man has an established political brand. Biden first won federal office in 1972, and it’s been over a decade since the GOP nominated someone other than Donald Trump. The 2024 election is like all the SIRIUS XM oldies stations—Classic Vinyl, Classic Rewind, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Radio—rolled into one.

The Hateful Candace Owens

by Christine Rosen

If you had never heard of Candace Owens until recently, you aren’t alone. Less than a decade ago, she was an unknown college dropout working as a marketing professional in New York, writing pieces for her company’s website about the “bat-s—t crazy antics of the Republican Tea Party.” Then, suddenly, she claimed to have experienced a political conversion. She told the libertarian political commentator Dave Rubin in 2017, “I became a conservative overnight. . . . I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls.”

Opinion & Politics: Reason Magazine – April 2024

Reason Magazine, April 2024 cover image

    REASON MAGAZINE (February 23, 2024)The latest issue features ‘Commander In Chains?’ – What if a Presidential Candidate ends up in jail, incapacitated, or worse – in office?…

    Commander in Chains: 7 Scenarios If Trump Is Jailed and Wins the Election

    An illustration of a person wearing handcuffs in an orange prison jumpsuit with a presidential seal | Illustration: Joanna Andreasson; Source image: Peter Dazeley/Getty

    There is nothing in the Constitution that prevents an inmate from winning the presidency.


    Don’t Let E.U. Bureaucrats Design Americans’ Tech

    An illustration of the European Union flag mangled by a frayed phone charging cord | Illustration: Joanna Andreasson

    Some Democrats want to mimic the Europe’s policies on phone chargers and more.


    The Future of Immigration Is Privatization

    featurefionaimmigrants | Illustration: Joanna Andreasson; Source images: Clay Banks/Unsplash, PinkBadger/iStock

    New immigration pathways are letting private citizens welcome refugees and other migrants—and getting the government out of the way.


    Commentary Magazine – March 2024 Preview


    Commentary Magazine (February 10, 2024) The latest issue features ‘Power Broke Her’ – The Rise and (Maybe) Fall of Lina Khan; The ‘As A Jew’: A Brief History; What Putin and Xi have in Common; Hostages – What Price is Too High?; On Joan Didion and more…

    The Power Broke Her

    The Power Broke Her

    The Rise and (Maybe) Fall of Lina Khan

    by Adam J. White

    Lina Khan was pleased with her progress. Appearing before the Economic Club of New York in July 2023, she outlined her vision as the chairman of the Federal Trade Commission under Joe Biden and its success so far. Never mind the fact that, just days earlier, a federal court had delivered her agency yet another high-profile setback.

    Is AI Just Theft Under Another Name?

    Is AI Just Theft Under Another Name?

    by James B. Meigs

    The magazine Popular Mechanics, where I once worked, used to have a column called “Saturday Mechanic.” It was a guide to basic car repair for the weekend tinkerer, and its author had decades of experience both in fixing cars and writing about them. Nonetheless, for each column, he would perform the task in question, carefully documenting each step with photographs. It was a lot of work, in other words.

    Commentary Magazine – February 2024 Preview


    Commentary Magazine (January 17, 2024) The latest issue features ‘They’re Coming After Us’ – The sense Israelis have that they are personally vulnerable to outside attack in a manner more like an extended military invasion than a terrorist blow….

    They’re Coming After Us

    They're Coming After Us

    by John Podhoretz


    I have lost count of the number of times the phrase “I have never felt like this before” has been spoken in my ear, texted to me, or sent to me in an email, in the three months since the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023.

    When I talked with Israelis on a trip in November, the phrase described a gut emotion few under the age of 50 said they had ever experienced—the sense that they were personally vulnerable to outside attack in a manner more like an extended military invasion than a terrorist blow. They had lived through years of ineffectual rocket fire that was all but magically extinguished by the Iron Dome and Arrow anti-missile systems. 

    The Likely Lab Leak and the Covid Cassandra

    by James B. Meigs

    Enola Gay, or, How the Media Imploded When It Came to Harvard’s President

    by Christine Rosen

    Opinion & Politics: Reason Magazine – February 2024


    REASON MAGAZINE (December 21, 2023)The latest issue features ‘The Conformity Gauntlet’ – How Universities use DEI Statements to Enforce Groupthink; The Post-Neoliberalism Moment; We Absolutely Do Not Need an FDA for AI, and more…

    Universities Use DEI Statements To Enforce Groupthink

    An illustration showing college graduates navigating a maze | Illustration: Joanna Andreasson

    DEI statements are political litmus tests, write Greg Lukianoff and Rikki Schlott.

    The Post-Neoliberalism Moment

    An illustration of Milton Friedman, Ludwig von Mises, and Friedrich Hayek | Illustration: Friedrich Hayek, Margaret Thatcher, and Milton Friedman; Joanna Andreasson REASON 27 Source images: Graphic Goods/Creative Market, Mosi/Fiverr

    Anyone advocating neoliberal policies is now persona non grata in Washington, D.C.


    We Absolutely Do Not Need an FDA for AI

    topicsfuture | Photo: @eshear/X

    If our best and brightest technologists and theorists are struggling to see the way forward for AI, what makes anyone think politicians are going to get there first?


    Commentary Magazine – January 2024 Preview


    Commentary Magazine (December 14, 2023) – The latest issue features After Hamas Is Destroyed, Here Are the Five Things That Must Not Happen in Gaza; The Future Isn’t Going as Promised; Putin Won’t Stop; Brush Off Your Shakespeare, and more…

    After Hamas Is Destroyed, Here Are the Five Things That Must Not Happen in Gaza

    After Hamas Is Destroyed, Here Are the Five Things That Must Not Happen in Gaza

    by Richard Goldberg

    Israel is resolved to remove Hamas and its terrorist infrastructure from the Gaza Strip permanently, and for much of the world, its determination raises one question more than any other: What comes next in Gaza? For those who disapprove of Israel’s actions in the war or those who either passively or actively support the role of Hamas as the Strip’s governing authority, the lack of answers provides a pretext not only to demand a permanent cease-fire but to suggest (often quietly and with a furrowed brow indicating supposed realpolitik wisdom) that the path Israel seems to be making for itself is a dead end from which it needs to be saved.

    The Future Isn’t Going as Promised

    The Future Isn’t Going as Promised

    by James B. Meigs

    In his new book, The Conservative Futurist: How to Create the Sci-Fi World We Were Promised,American Enterprise Institute scholar James Pethokoukis writes about the go-go years of the 1960s: Saturn V rockets were blasting to the moon, atomic power promised to make electricity “too cheap to meter,” and sci-fi TV shows like Star Trek depicted new marvels right around the corner.

    Brush Off Your Shakespeare

    Brush Off Your Shakespeare

    by Joseph Epstein

    “Joseph,” my friend Edward Shils said to me, “we have spoken about many things, among them about various writers, but we are both too civilized ever to talk about Shakespeare. After all, what could one say?” Yes, what can one say? Over a long writing career, I have never written about Shakespeare, and, best I can recall, among the many millions of words I have produced, have never even quoted him. Truth is, I have long admired Shakespeare without being especially nuts about him.