Category Archives: News

Medical Innovations: Researchers Successfully “Supercool” Human Livers For Later Transplant

From an MIT Technology Review online article:

Doctors have put human livers in suspended animation - MIT Technology ReviewResearchers say they’ve successfully plunged human livers to subzero temperatures and then warmed them back up.

The “supercooled” organs were still in good shape after 27 hours, adding nearly a day to how long livers can last outside the body.

The supply of donor hearts, kidneys, and livers from accident victims is sharply limited. In the US, a nationwide system of registries and transplant centers coordinates to move them around by air in coolers for what are invariably emergency surgeries.

The research is part of a wider effort to learn how to keep organs operational outside the body for longer periods of time. 

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Top Political Podcasts: Tamara Keith And Amy Walter Discuss 2020 Election News (PBS)

Tamara Keith and Amy Walter Sept 9 2019NPR’s Tamara Keith and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report join Lisa Desjardins to discuss the latest political news, including what’s at stake in North Carolina’s special congressional election on Tuesday, former Rep. Mark Sanford’s announcement that he’ll challenge President Trump in the GOP primary and the outlook for Congress, newly back from recess, to pass gun legislation.

Top Political Podcasts: Mark Shields & David Brooks Discuss The Latest In Washington (PBS)

Shields and Brooks Sept 6 2019Syndicated columnist Mark Shields and New York Times columnist David Brooks join Judy Woodruff to discuss the week in politics, including whether Democrats are taking a “politically risky” approach to climate change policy, President Trump’s fixation with Alabama being hit by Hurricane Dorian, Trump’s diversion of Defense Department funds for border security and “Trump fatigue” in the GOP.

Top Political Podcasts: Tamara Keith And Amy Walter Discuss Latest In Washington (PBS)

Tamara Keith Amy Walter PBS NewshourNPR’s Tamara Keith and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report join Lisa Desjardins to discuss the latest political news, including President Trump’s attacks on unions and how 2020 Democrats are courting this crucial voting bloc, the status of gun safety legislation after another mass shooting, and what a trend of retirements and resignations among House Republicans says about minority politics.

Top Political Podcasts: Shields And Brooks Talk About G-7, Debates (PBS)

Shield and Brooks aug 30 2019Syndicated columnist Mark Shields and New York Times columnist David Brooks join Judy Woodruff to discuss the week in politics, including whether impeachment will have any momentum when Congress resumes, President Trump’s performance at the G-7 summit, Joe Biden’s stories, the rules governing eligibility for the 2020 Democratic debates and the candidates’ latest poll numbers.

Environment: World’s Largest Research Vessel “REV Ocean” Launches, Will Be Towed To Norway

From a news release:

REV Ocean world’s largest and most advanced research and expedition vessel rear viewREV Ocean will be equipped for conducting missions that cover the entire marine ecosystem. It will be used by scientists and innovators for ‘solutions’ oriented research that explore issues such as the impact CO2 emissions have on the ocean, plastic pollution, and unsustainable fishing. REV Ocean will be an inclusive global vehicle for testing and proliferating ocean solutions. The vessel is 182.9 meters long and will have the capacity of holding 55 scientists and 35 crew. Equipment onboard includes scientific trawls, sonar systems, laboratories, auditorium and classrooms, moonpool, AUV and submarine, an ROV with 6000 meters depth capacity, and advanced communication equipment.

A monumental day for a monumental ship. REV Ocean is thrilled to announce the first water launch of the world’s largest and most advanced research and expedition vessel (REV Ocean). After an extensive and complicated build period over the past 18 months, the vessel was finally lowered into the water today at the VARD Tulcea shipyard in Romania.

Nina Jensen, CEO of REV Ocean, commented: “Today is an especially exciting day, our state-of-the-art research vessel has achieved a major milestone and we are now one step closer to realizing our vision of safeguarding the ocean. We look forward with great anticipation to REV Ocean’s journey to Norway and seeing the next stage of progress towards our ambitions of developing ocean solutions.”

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Top Political Podcasts: Tamara Keith And Amy Walter Discuss The Latest News From Washington

PBS Newshour Tamara Keith and Amy Walter Aug 26 2019NPR’s Tamara Keith and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report join Lisa Desjardins to discuss the latest political news, including recent poll and fundraising numbers for the remaining 2020 Democrats, whether former Rep. Joe Walsh can mount a serious primary threat to President Trump and what the economy and trade tensions mean for Trump’s favorability ratings.

Trends In Housing: Boomers’ Downsizing Leaves “Trail Of Luxury Ranches” In Colorado

From a Wall Street Journal article by Katherine Clark:

Tom Bradbury, a Denver real-estate developer, and his family are listing South Comanche Ranch for $22 million. PHOTO REBECCA STUMPF FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL“If you look back in the day to the ’70s and ’80s, there were these guys…raised with this mythology of the West,” said Ken Mirr, a local ranch broker. “It was attachment to something Hollywood produced. Their children aren’t necessarily always as interested in operating the properties. Sometimes the kids just see cows and think ‘What should I do with this?’”

Operating costs vary dramatically, depending on how much infrastructure ranchers have on their land and the level of agricultural activity but can often be millions a year.

Decades ago, a generation of America’s wealthiest, raised on television shows like “Howdy Doody” and “The Lone Ranger,” headed west with dreams of owning some of the country’s most prestigious ranches. Now, as those John Wayne- loving baby boomers age out of the lifestyle or die, they or their children are looking to sell those trophy properties.

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Top Political Podcasts: Mark Shields & Ramesh Ponnuru Discuss Latest In Washington (PBS)

Mark Shields and Ramesh Ponnuru PBS Newshour Aug 23 2019Syndicated columnist Mark Shields and Ramesh Ponnuru of The National Review join Judy Woodruff to discuss the latest political news, including President Trump’s trade war with China and attacks on the Fed and how they’re affecting the U.S. economy, three recent Democratic departures from the 2020 presidential race and the legacy of billionaire GOP donor David Koch.

Housing Market: Top Ten Destinations For Moving Companies In 2nd Quarter

From a Housing Wire online article:

top-destinations-for-movers-in-u.s..jpg…of the top ten most desired locations to move to, the share of out-of-state searches on ranges from 48% to 59.8%.

Charleston, South Carolina, the No. 1 city on the list, was searched by homebuyers who live in Charlotte, New York and Atlanta. Second on the list was Boise, Idaho, which was sought out by Los Angeles, Salt Lake City and Sacramento residents. 

“Home prices have risen for seven consecutive years, far outpacing salary growth. Although interest rates are the lowest they have been in three years, cost has become a deal breaker for many buyers, especially in pricey West Coast metros,” said Senior Economist, George Ratiu. “But instead of giving up on the American Dream, many buyers have decided to look for a home in medium-sized metros outside their state that offer price relief, and a similar lifestyle.”

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