Tag Archives: Charitable Giving

The Economist Special Report: ‘Philanthropy’


The Economist SPECIAL REPORTS (January 12, 2024): The latest issue is focused on ‘Philanthropy’ – Move fast and mend things. Charitable organizations are hoping to get money to the needy faster….

The super-rich are trying new approaches to philanthropy

Billionare on a rollercoaster doing a loop-de-loop, holding a spanner with money and tools falling out of the cart

They are hoping to get money to the needy faster, says Avantika Chilkoti

A nudge is not always enough to force change within an industry. Sometimes a series of forceful shoves is required. In the rarified world of Western philanthropy, the shoves began in 2020. The covid-19 pandemic, protests for racial justice across America that summer and the outflow of refugees from Ukraine starting in early 2022 created a new urgency around charitable giving and revealed failings in how it worked. Donors began to consider how they could disburse money faster and with more impact.

No-strings philanthropy is giving charities more decision-making power

Organizations on the ground know best how money should be spent

Give Directly does what it says on the tin

Cash hand-outs can transform communities