Tag Archives: Johnstown Flood

Views: American Heritage Magazine – September 2022

september 2022 cover

Antietam, America’s Bloodiest Day

In September 1862 the South hoped to end the war by invading Maryland just before the mid-term elections. But its hopes were dashed after the bloodiest day in American history. By Justin Martin

Johnstown: “Run For Your Lives!”

In the hills above Johnstown, the old South Fork dam had failed. Down the Little Conemaugh came the torrent, sweeping away everything in its path. By David McCullough

Remembering David McCullough

He became the dean of American historians after learning his craft working for five years on the staff of American Heritage. By Edwin S. Grosvenor

Carving Up the Americas

By artfully illustrating the boundaries of colonial powers, mapmakers in the 1700s helped define what our New World would become. By Neal AsburyJean-Pierre Isbouts