Tag Archives: Child Welfare

Opinion & Politics: Reason Magazine – August 2024


REASON MAGAZINE (June 22, 2024)The latest issue features The Debt Lies We Tell Ourselves….

The Debt Lies We Tell Ourselves

Both parties—and the voters—are to blame for the national debt fiasco.

Child Welfare Systems Are Trapping Innocent Families

CPS1 | Photo: Courtesy of Tony Schulz

Georgia parents were accused of child abuse after they took their daughter to the doctor. Does the state’s story add up?


Congress ‘Can Regulate Virtually Anything’

DRUGS | Illustration: Joanna Andreasson

How legislators learned to stop worrying about the constitutionality of federal drug and gun laws by abusing the Commerce Clause


The Afghan Allies Left Behind in the Graveyard of Empires

U.S. soldiers speak with Afghan locals | Photo: An Afghan interpreter translates a conversation between an American colonel and a local in Ghazni, Afghanistan; Dibyangshu Sarkar/AFP/Getty

Thousands of people who helped the U.S. in Afghanistan are still looking for an escape.