Tag Archives: Vaccinations

Top Science Podcasts: Earliest Upright Walking Apes, Evolution Of Science And Vaccinations (Nature)

Nature PodcastListen to the latest science updates, with Benjamin Thompson and Shamini Bundell. This week, insights into the evolution of walking upright, how science needs to change in the next 150 years, and the remaining hurdles for vaccination.

In this episode:

00:50 Early ape locomotion

The discovery of a fossil of a new species of ape gives new insights on how bipedalism may have evolved. Research Article: Böhme et al.News and Views: Fossil ape hints at how walking on two feet evolvedNews: Fossil ape offers clues to evolution of walking on two feet

07:24 Research Highlights

Women lacking olfactory bulbs can somehow still smell, and telling whiskies apart through evaporation patterns. Research Highlight: The women who lack an odour-related brain area — and can still smell a roseResearch Highlight: Bourbon or Scotch? A droplet’s dynamics reveal the truth

09:44 How should science evolve?

This year is Nature’s 150th anniversary. Science has made huge strides during this time, but what needs to change to continue this progress for the next 150 years? Comment: Science must move with the times

17:52 The state of vaccination in 2019

Researchers assess the differences in immunization levels worldwide and identify the bottlenecks in developing new vaccines. Research article: Piot et al.

23:54 News Chat

An AI figures out the sun’s place in the Solar System, and reassessing the size of the proton. News article: AI Copernicus: Neural network ‘discovers’ that Earth orbits the SunNews: Puzzle over size of proton leaps closer to resolution