The New York Times — Saturday, Dec 23, 2023


U.N. Passes Resolution on Gaza Aid but Does Not Call for ‘Suspension of Hostilities’

The United Nations Security Council passed a resolution, 13-0, on Friday that would allow for more aid to enter Gaza. The United States and Russia abstained.

After a week of heated negotiations, the U.N. Security Council approved a measure that called on Israel and Hamas to pause the fighting to allow for the delivery of more humanitarian aid.

Supreme Court Won’t Hear Case on Trump’s Immunity Defense for Now

Any significant delays could plunge the trial into the heart of the 2024 campaign season or push it past the election.

The case will instead first be heard by a federal appeals court, which has put it on a fast track, scheduling arguments for Jan. 9.

Hunter Biden Text Cited in Impeachment Inquiry Is Not What G.O.P. Suggests

A 2019 message from the president’s son alluded to giving his father half his salary. The back story offers unflattering insights into the Biden family but does not support assertions of corruption.

A World Leader on Ukraine, the U.S. Is Now Isolated Over Gaza

The United States finds itself in a defensive crouch and at odds with even staunch allies like France, Canada, Australia and Japan.

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