The New York Times — Wednesday, Dec 6, 2023


War Intensifies in Southern Gaza, Where Civilians Say No Place Is Safe

A Palestinian man mourning the loss of relatives killed in Khan Younis, in southern Gaza, on Tuesday.

Amid some of the war’s heaviest bombing, Israeli forces battled Hamas deep into the city of Khan Younis, with few signs that Israel was heeding Biden administration calls to show more restraint.

Ukraine Aid Falters in Senate as Republicans Insist on Border Restrictions

Ukrainian soldiers with the 22nd Mechanized Brigade firing at Russian positions in the direction of Bakhmut, in eastern Ukraine, last week. The front line has remained largely static over the past year.

Legislation to send military aid to Ukraine and Israel was on the brink of collapse, after a briefing devolved into a screaming match one day before a critical test vote in the Senate.

How Nations Are Losing a Global Race to Tackle A.I.’s Harms

Alarmed by the power of artificial intelligence, Europe, the United States and others are trying to respond — but the technology is evolving more rapidly than their policies.

Desperate Families Search for Affordable Home Care

Facing a severe shortage of aides and high costs, people trying to keep aging loved ones at home often cobble together a patchwork of family and friends to help.

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